10 Amazing Facts in Science that will Blow Your Mind

1. The Most of Earth’s Oxygen is Produced in the Oceans 

Most of us believe that we get oxygen from plants & trees only, but you might not know that more than half of the earth’s oxygen that we breathe comes from oceans.

This is mostly through photosynthesis from the plant-based marine organisms like the Oceanic planktons, algae, seaweeds, and some bacteria.

2. A Day on Venus lasts longer than its year.

On the planet Venus, 1 rotation on its axis takes the equivalent of 243 Earth days and the planet’s orbit around the Sun takes the equivalent of 225 Earth days.

3. Our stomach can dissolve razor blades

If you ever swallow a razor blade, don’t panic. Our body is more capable than you think. In a study published in the journal Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, scientists found that the “thickened back of a single-edged blade” dissolved after two hours of immersion in stomach acid. That’s just one of many fun facts about the human body you never learned in school.

4. A laser can get trapped in water

A cool thing called “total internal reflection” happens when you point a laser beam at a jet of flowing water. When the light travels through the water, it is slowed by the heavier particles in the water, effectively “trapping” the laser beam in the water. Even as the water flow is gradually decreased, the laser beam remains contained inside the jet, until it eventually disappears when the water is turned off completely.

5. At a standstill, you are actually travelling at 2.7 million MPH through the Universe.

Add up the speed of the rotating earth, the earth revolving around the sun, the sun moving in the milky way, and the milky way moving through the universe and you get one fast speeding ticket.

6. At any given moment there are 1800 thunderstorms happening on Earth.

Over the course of one year, this will amount to 16 million storms across the Earth!

7. Hippos create their own sunscreen.

The pigments in their skin (one which has been named hipposudoric acid) help absorb harmful UV rays. This secretion has anti-bacterial components as well. Hippos still need to stay well hydrated, which is why you probably find them in water or covered in mud!

8. Rats laugh when they’re tickled

These creatures are more dynamic than we think. Rats have the ability to “laugh” when tickled. A video from National Geographic demonstrates that rats respond positively to tickling, and they even chase after the researcher’s hand in a playful manner.

9. Bananas are radioactive

Here’s a random fact about one of your favorite foods: Bananas contain potassium, and since potassium decays, that makes the yellow fruit slightly radioactive. But don’t worry—you’d need to eat ten million bananas in one sitting to die of banana-induced radiation poisoning, according to Joe Schwarcz, PhD, of McGill University.

10. There are more trees on Earth than stars in our galaxy

Here’s a cool space fact (and an Earth fact) we bet you didn’t know: NASA experts believe there could be anywhere from 100 billion to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. However, a 2015 paper published in the journal Nature estimated that the number of trees around the world is much higher: 3.04 trillion.

Did You Know Facts?

Here are a few science facts that will make your day and increase your interest in science. Take a look:

  • Our planet has more trees compared to stars in the solar system
  • Water can boil & freeze at the same time
  • Lights take almost eight minutes to proceed from the sun to earth
  • Grasshoppers have ears in their bellies
  • A cockroach has the ability to live for up to one week without its head
  • Lizards use their tongue to smell
  • A cloud can as heavy as a million pounds
  • We can’t burp in space 
  • Men suffer from colour blindness more than women 
  • An individual blood cell takes around one minute to create a complete circuit of the body etc.

Summing Up

Now you know that science can be an interesting subject once we make our approach passionate towards it. But the list doesn’t end here: science has an infinity of knowledge to offer us. Discover new things every day and never stop learning.

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